In accordance with European Standard IEC 60974 and D.L. (legisl. decree) 81/2008

European Standard IEC 60974 sets out the test procedures for periodic and post-repair inspection for electrical safety, and is applicable to equipment for electrical welding and allied processes.

The Standard requires that the inspection and verification are carried out at specific intervals, in order to ensure any hazards are minimised. Dangerous currents or voltages within the equipment can cause electrical shock, burns, and even death. Furthermore, the above Decree 81/2008 "Testo unico sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro" (consolidated act on occupational health and safety) - chapter III, articles 80ff – requires that employers "take the necessary precautions to protect its employees against all hazards of an electrical nature …. and must adopt all technical and organisational measures necessary to eliminate or minimise hazards …".

Testing of welding equipment can carry risk and must be carried out using suitable equipment by qualified personnel or experts in electrical repair, and preferably familiar with welding, cutting, and related processes.
The device used for this testing is the SAFETYTEST A3-S, a testing device for checking the electrical safety of welding power sources and electrical instruments.

The tester complies with the 60974 Standard; test measurements are recorded on charts. The equipment tested is then labelled to indicate that the test has been passed. This test is also carried out after every repair or component replacement that restores the function of welding or cutting.
Alloys Italia is one of the three companies in Italy already carrying out these tests on its customers’ welding equipment.

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